

Mayor John Giles

City of Mesa

“我们赞赏沙龙为促进该地区发展所作的持续参与和领导努力. Through her role in Greater Phoenix Leadership and to a larger degree, her involvement with the Greater Phoenix Economic Council, 梅萨已经开始欣赏她多样化和推动经济发展的愿景.”

Mike Ingram

Founder and Chairman El Dorado Holdings

“In my 30 years in development, I cannot think of anybody more qualified than Plaza Companies, especially in the medical field. Plaza Companies, with Sharon Harper’s leadership, is an organization that can be counted on to perform and accomplish. 我认识Sharon很多年了,她和Plaza公司的声誉和业绩是我们非常尊重的. 埃尔多拉多控股公司和广场公司期待着合作的机会.”

Michael M. Crow

President, Arizona State University

“Your outstanding vision, leadership, 奉献精神是我们社区和亚利桑那州立大学不可替代的财富, and we are deeply grateful for your engagement and many contributions. 再次感谢你们的友谊和支持,感谢你们让亚利桑那变得更好.”

Ole Borchard-Christiansen, MD

Principal, Desert West OB

“As a physician, I have been a past CEO of Desert West OB/GYN, 自1979年以来一直在广场公司工作,有20名医生,有四个办公室. 我们了解了广场公司及其作为重要股权投资者的能力, 作加拿大28app苹果ios版和他们复杂的加拿大28官方免费下载app的接受者. 从我们的角度来看,广场公司的房地产资产管理服务是无与伦比的. The ability to identify and define projects, sophisticated underwriting services, 全面的发行备忘录,持续的财务和分析更新以及定期报告不仅使广场公司,而且使他们的投资脱颖而出. 正在进行的年度投资者分配和出售后的财务回报一直很出色. From my perspective this has been a result of exceptional, highly focused and highly skilled financial underwriting analysis, investment returns modeling, ability to react to changing economic environments, 为了保护和维持投资和处置策略,这是惊人的.”

Jim Lane

Mayor, City of Scottsdale

“广场公司在斯科茨代尔领导了一些最复杂、最重要的项目, with Vi at Silverstone and SkySong, the ASU Innovation Center. These projects anchor the City from both the north and the south. 斯科茨代尔市以其卓越的设计审查和复杂的分区监管而自豪. 广场公司在斯科茨代尔市的努力中都表现出色,他们与市领导的专业和协作工作备受推崇,开发了我们社区中一些最好的项目.”

Robert Delgado

CEO, Hensley Beverage Company

莎伦·哈珀(Sharon Harper)为企业高管树立了榜样. 她是一位完美的专业人士——直觉敏锐,随时准备并愿意以身作则. What I admire most about Sharon, however, 她是否愿意将她广泛的专业技能奉献给我们社区的改善, in ways too numerous to mention. 由于不知疲倦的职业道德加上对未来的真正关注,她的印记无处不在.”

Andrei Damian, MD

President and CEO, Cardiovascular Consultants

心血管咨询公司(CVC)自2002年以来一直与广场公司合作,作加拿大28app苹果ios版和医生股权投资者. Several of the physicians of CVC, 一个高度专业化的心血管小组,由55名医生和中级医生组成, 您对Plaza的资产管理服务非常满意吗. In particular, the in depth market analysis and financial underwriting, private offering memorandums, 复杂的投资回报以及复杂租赁和机构土地租赁的敏感重组令人印象深刻. 最近的资产配置证明,这些投资经历了出色的表现.”

Justin Davis, Member

Denaro Corporate Center LLC
Denaro 101 Plaza LLC

“Plaza公司自2008年以来一直管理Denaro企业中心和Denaro 101广场,他们将继续管理我们未来的所有项目. 广场酒店在管理的各个方面都表现出最高水平的品质和诚信. We rate Plaza Companies the highest, 我们总是被要求换到其他管理公司,我们总是拒绝,因为广场一贯的高质量的工作. Denaro Corporate Center and Denaro 101 Plaza recommends Plaza to all.”

Todd Olson

Asset Manager, USAA Real Estate Company

“我们的合作始于2005年,当时我们与Plaza和ASU基金会合作开发了天颂. 这个37英亩的混合用途项目是南斯科茨代尔一个独特而创新的开发项目. As the property manager of SkySong, 广场公司在管理天星的新设施方面发挥着不可或缺的作用, developing positive relationships with tenants, 积极主动地与业主沟通,并与当地社区和政府机构建立联系. Plaza Companies has the knowledge, 以一流的方式经营和管理物业的经验和人员. As such, 2006年,USAA房地产公司继续与Plaza建立合作关系,共同在天堂谷开发一流的医疗办公大楼. USAA Real Estate Company highly recommends Plaza Companies.”


Whether you are looking to us for management, leasing or development services, we can help you find the perfect space. With over 40 years of experience, 您可以信任广场公司,以协助您的房地产需求.